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Tractor at Work

SOIL Health

Soil Health has always been a main focus for the Soil & Water Conservation Districts.  Working to improve soil health is part of their 5-Year and Annual Plan Goals.  


The Mini-Cassia Direct Seed & Cover Crop Project has been a great opportunity for the Districts to continue their work for improving soil health and conservation awareness.


The Soil & Water Conservation Districts have sponsored 8 Soil Health Workshops and held 3 Cover Crop Field Tours.  The educational workshops started as part of a CIG grant the districts qualified for to provide cover crop seed information, seed mixes, direct seed drills, and education to the public.  Districts continued to proved the soil health workshops for 5 years after 3 year grant requirements. 


Their work goes on... Districts continue to provide both old and new programs each year.  Thank you to our Supervisors who volunteer to oversee these programs.

There is an old adage that states: "Grow where you are planted - make the most of what you are given, be positive in your adventures of life and always try to bring happiness to others along your way".... Today as I was checking in our Direct Seed drill I saw this and I had to smile... these little 'plants' are trying to fulfill the measure of their purpose in life. Grow where they are planted and try to be the best they can be.

- Sharon Hardy,  

Minidoka SWCD Admin. May 2018 

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

East Cassia SWCD & West Cassia SWCD

We are located in USDA Offices at

1361 East 16th Street

Burley, ID 83318



Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-2:00

Minidoka SWCD

85 East Baseline

Located at the Minidoka Fair Grounds

in the McGregor Building

Rupert, ID 83350



Office Hours:  Tuesday-Friday 9:00-2:00

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