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Board of Supervisors

Supervisors for the Soil and Water Conservation Districts are landowners or farmers in Cassia and Minidoka Counties who volunteer their time. They are interested in farming issues and want to make a positive difference in their communities.


Serving as a Supervisor is a great opportunity to learn how to improve your own operation as well as helping to make a difference within our community.  If you are interested in serving on the Soil & Water Conservation District in your area, contact a current board member or call one of the SWCD offices for information. 



Cassia Office: 208-572-3375

Minidoka Office : 208-436-4202



Minidoka Admin: Sharon



Cassia Admin:  Rachelle



Cassia Information & Education Specialist: Doreen

East Cassia Board

Chairman : Rob Cottle

Vice Chairman: Kurt Heward

Treasurer : Ken Woodworth

Supervisor: Hannah Sanders

Supervisor: Brogan Higley

Associate Supervisor: Mark Webb

Associate Supervisor: Steve Ward

Minidoka Board 

Chairman : Dusty Wilkins

Vice Chairman:                   

Treasurer : Lance Lovell

Supervisor: Luke Stevenson

Supervisor: Jeff Schow

West Cassia Board

Chairman: Richard Kunau

Vice Chairman: Jordan Searle

Treasurer : Ken Black

Supervisor: Chad Searle

Supervisor: Scott Yost


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