Soil and Water Conservation Districts
East Cassia, Minidoka, and West Cassia Soil & Water Conservation Districts
Soil Districts sponsored a Cover Crop Tour on November 2, 2017. Land owners rode a bus to farms around the Mini-Cassia area where cover crops are being used.
On the bus ride, farmers discussed the cover crop practices they have been implementing and the outcomes they have seen so far. Each farmer discussed things they would change but each spoke of the benefits, their successes, and their plans to continue working with cover crops.
Farms visited included Heglar Creek Farms, the Rulon Spear Farm (both in the Raft River area), Luke Adams Farm north of Rupert, and Allen Sanderson's farm near Paul.

Top 2 pictures on left and right - Heglar Creek Farms. Directly above left and right - Spear Farm.
Below left - Luke Adams farm. Below center and right - Allen Sanderson Farm.

It was a chilly morning with frost covering the crops as landowners arrived at their first field on the 2016 Cover Crop Tour. The tour spotlighted landowners in both Cassia and Minidoka Counties where cover crops of 3 or more varieties had been planted.
While riding the tour bus to field locations, landowners shared details of their projects including the types of cover crops planted, their purpose for planting cover crops, their goals, and the outcome so far. Some of the main benefits seen have been improved health and water holding capacity in the soil. The tour spotlighted Mark Webb and Nathan Garner from Heglar Creek Farms, Seth Woodland of Paul, Cody Plocher from Timm & Luke Adams Farms of Rupert, and Jeff Johnson of Rupert/Paul.
The tour was held to encourage and educate landowners on the benefits of growing cover crops to improve overall soil health and increase harvest yields. The project includes 2 Direct Seed Drills available for rent so landowners may try out the cover crop procedure.

In November 2015, the three districts hosted a Cover Crop Tour. Those who attended were able to witness first hand the benefits of planting cover crops, different cover crop varieties planted in our area, and see what cover crops look like planted with a No-Till Drill. The districts have two No-Drills available to rent for anyone interested. Contact our offices at 208-572-3369 or 208-436-4202 for more information.