Soil and Water Conservation Districts
East Cassia, Minidoka, and West Cassia Soil & Water Conservation Districts
Soil & Water Conservation Districts
East Cassia
West Cassia
Our Soil & Water Conservation Districts
The East Cassia, Minidoka, and West Cassia Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) are sub-units of state government, responsible for soil and water conservation activities within their boundaries. All 3 Districts are managed by a board of district supervisors elected to the position by Cassia County and Minidoka County residents. They serve voluntarily and without pay.
The SWCD supervisors work with farmers and ranchers, cities, counties, and government agencies at all levels. By encouraging basic conservation work on private land, SWCD activities help control soil erosion and improve water quality.
Mission Statement
To encourage responsible natural resource best management practices (BMP) which improve air, soil, and water quality while improving wildlife habitat. And, to educate both youth and adults about our local conservation practices and needs.
Together with partner agencies, the SWCD strives to provide programs, education, and assistance to landowners for improving conservation practices in the Mini-Cassia area.
FREE Community Education Classes on Conservation Topics provided by
the Soil & Water Conservation Districts in Cassia & Minidoka Counties.
Community Conservation Class #3
Time to Hibernate: PREPARING for WINTER
Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 am
**Must be over 11 years old to attend**
Touch the lower right-hand corner of the video box for the music notes to turn the audio on and off.
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East Cassia SWCD
(From left to right)
Kurt Heward, Supervisor
Ken Woodworth, Treasurer
Steve Ward, Vice Chairman
Rob Cottle, Chairman
Hannah Sanders, Supervisor
Mark Webb, Associate Member
Brogan Higley, Associate Member (not pictured)
Minidoka SWCD
(From left to right)
Jeff Schow, Supervisor
Lance Lovell, Treasurer
Luke Stevenson, Supervisor
Dusty Wilkins, Chairman
Reid Bowen, Vice Chairman
West Cassia SWCD
(From left to right)
Ken Black - Treasurer
Jordan Searle, Vice-Chairman
Richard Kunau - Chairman
Chad Searle - Supervisor